HH Princess Haya bint Al Hussein gave a rare insight to her family on todays Virgin Radio’s ‘The Kris Fade Show’ in Dubai. Princess Haya spoke about how normal the family is and that they are like any other family who get up early and drop the kids off at school, she says “We’re up around 6.15-6.30… the kids are up and ready to go to school”. She goes on saying, “We have breakfast together when we can and either myself or His Highness try to do the school run. At 5.30pm, it’s quite strict, we have dinner time in our house, especially on school nights. I like to be there to do the bath and bed routine with my children. After they go to bed at 7.30 at night there are one or two hours for ourselves. Normally I’m in bed at 9:30-10pm and then it’s next day, pretty much like everyone else!.”
في طريقنا وخلال زيارتنا مع صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد ال مكتوم إلى أي إم جي أكبر وجهة ترفيهية للعائلات. مبروك لمجموعة إلياس ومصطفى كلداري على هذا اﻹنجاز العظيم. يا له من مكان رائع للأطفال من جميع الأعمار حيث المرح لا ينتهي On the way and during our visit with HH Sheikh Mohammed to Dubai’s newly opened IMG Theme Park. Congratulations to the Ilyas and Mustafa Galadari Group on this incredible achievement. What an amazing place for kids of all ages – so much fun to be had!
A photo posted by Haya Bint Al Hussein (@hrhprincesshaya) on Sep 9, 2016 at 8:04am PDT
Princess Haya also spoke about her humanitarian work with the UN.
لقد قضيت 3 ساعات إضافية مع النقيب عوض تركي المحاسنه قائد فريق المهام الخاصه, حيث حدثني عن الكثير من الامور التي ساعدتني على تفسير وفهم الوضع وما يمرون به أكثر…النقيب عوض قد رزق بإبن جديد قبل يومين سماه بإسم هاشم ولم يراه بعد إلى من خلال صورة. عوض يراقب الامور في جميع الأوقات وهو سريع وفخور بقواته، ويعطي لهم الفضل لجهودهم. قد وقفنا تحت جناح طائرة الشحن للتحدث، عندما رأيت مجموعة من الرجال جالسون بهدوء تحت المطر، للحفاظ على سلامتنا. هؤلاء الرجال كانوا من فريق المهام الخاصة الاردنية. قواتنا، القوات العربية، لم يشكو أبداً. فطيلة الوقت وهم جالسون تحت المطر يتمعنون في المسافة. لم يسبق في حياتي أن شعرت بالتواضع الذي شعرت به بتلك اللحظة. هؤلاء يرون الأشياء الفظيعة، ويقاتلون من أجل انسانيتنا، ويسهرون لحمايتي ولحماية بضائع الإغاثة. شكراً لكم يا اخواني I spent a further 3 hours with the Jordanian Captain Awad Turki AlMahasna, SWAT team leader, where he told me many things that gave me more of a sense of what they faced than facts and numbers… Al Nakeeb Awad just had his second child two days ago, a little boy he named Hashem. God bless them both, he has not seen him yet, only in pictures. Awad watches you all the time, he is quick, and proud of his troops. He gives them credit all the time. We stood under the wing of the cargo plane for a while talking, and then I saw some men sitting quietly and protecting us under the rain in the distance. It was the Jordanian Swat Team. Our troops, Arab troops, they never complain. They just sat there in the rain and watched us talk under the wing of the plane. Never have I felt so humble in my life. They see terrible things, they fight for our humanity, and they stayed in the distance silently protecting me and our cargo. Thank you, my brothers.
A photo posted by Haya Bint Al Hussein (@hrhprincesshaya) on Oct 14, 2016 at 10:09am PDT
For more interviews given by Princess Haya, visit the Princess Haya: Magazine Covers, Photoshoots, Interviews etc threadFiled under Jordanian Royals, UAE Royals