Избранное сообщение

пятница, 30 апреля 2021 г.

Выставку CES 2022 планируют провести не только онлайн

Организация Consumer Technology Association (CTA) объявила, что выставка CES, которую в этом году пришлось провести исключительно онлайн, в будущем году вернётся к более привычному для всех формату. «Самое влиятельное технологическое событие в мире» планируется провести в Лас-Вегасе с 5 по 8 января. Как обычно, перед открытием выставки для посетителей пройдут «дни прессы», намеченные на 3 и 4 января.

По словам организаторов, в мероприятии уже согласились принять участие Amazon, AMD, AT&T, Daimler AG, Dell, Google, Hyundai, IBM, Intel, Lenovo, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Qualcomm, Samsung Electronics и Sony.  

Выставку CES 2022 планируют провести не только онлайн

«Мы очень рады вернуться в Лас-Вегас, где CES находится уже более 40 лет, и с нетерпением ждём встречи со многими новыми и знакомыми лицами, — сказал Гэри Шапиро (Gary Shapiro), президент и генеральный директор CTA. — Сотни руководителей рассказали нам, насколько им нужна выставка CES, чтобы встречаться с новыми и существующими клиентами, находить партнёров, обращаться к средствам массовой информации и открывать для себя инновации».

Конечно, планируется и цифровой формат, адресованный широкой аудитории, которая сможет ознакомиться с экспонентами, основными докладами и анонсами новинок.

При всём оптимизме CTA делает оговорку, что будет следить за эпидемиологической обстановкой, придерживаться мер безопасности и следовать федеральным, государственным и местным законам, чтобы при необходимости корректировать планы проведения CES.

29 апреля 2021 в 16:21




| Источник: CES


Increased cancer risk for petroleum industry workers and people living near plants: New UN study

Фото ООН
An oil platform in the Caspian Sea. Petroleum plants that process oil products can prove an increased cancer risk to those working there, or living nearby, a new IARC study shows.
29 April 2021

People working in the petroleum industry or living near petroleum facilities are at increased risk of developing several different cancer types, according to a new report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARCWHO), part of the UN World Health Organization (WHO).

The findings add to increasing evidence of the health consequences of air pollution from petroleum extraction and refining.

Types of cancer risk

The review identified an increased risk of mesothelioma, skin melanoma, multiple myeloma, and cancers of the prostate and urinary bladder, and conversely, decreased risk of cancers of the oesophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, and pancreas.

Offshore petroleum work was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer and leukaemia.

Living close to petroleum facilities was also associated with an increased risk of childhood leukaemia.

Scientists in the Environment and Lifestyle Epidemiology Branch of the agency carried out 41 cohort studies, 14 case–control studies, and two cross-sectional studies to compile their review.

Their findings have been published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

More research needed

The authors point out that further studies on the effect of exposure to petroleum and its closest derivatives (e.g. benzene) are needed in order to identify how they modify cancer risk.

In particular, there is a need for targeted studies in under-researched areas of high petroleum production with presumably higher exposures.

The scientists argue that the best way forward may be an international consortium to guide new studies in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, in order to harmonize how studies are carried out and how exposure is assessed.



четверг, 29 апреля 2021 г.

Выручка Apple за первый квартал 2021 года превысила 89 млрд долларов

Выручка американской компании Apple ("Эппл") по итогам первых трех месяцев 2021 года составила 89,6 млрд долларов. Об этом говорится в опубликованной в среду финансовой отчетности компании.

По итогам трехмесячного отчетного периода, который завершился 27 марта, выручка компании выросла на 54% по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года. Чистая прибыль компании увеличилась более чем в два раза - с 11,24 до 23,63 млрд долларов.

Главным продуктом компании остается Iphone ("Айфон"), выручка от продаж этих смартфонов компании по всему миру составила 47,9 млрд долларов. «Мы гордимся результатами нашего мартовского квартала, который зафиксировал рекордные результаты в каждом географическом сегменте и двузначные показатели роста по каждой категории продуктов», - приводятся в пресс-релизе слова финансового директора Apple Луки Маэстри.

Основанная в 1976 году Apple производит, помимо iPhone, планшеты iPad ("Айпэд"), компьютеры iMac ("Аймэк"), ноутбуки MacBook ("Макбук"), музыкальные плееры iPod ("Айпод") и другую высокотехнологичную технику. Корпорация является одной из крупнейших в мире. Ее рыночная капитализация, по данным журнала «Форбс», составляет порядка 2,24 трлн долларов.

Информационное агентство России ТАСС



370,000 children displaced in Central African Republic; highest level since 2014

© UNICEF/Florent Vergnes
A woman and her young sons stand in front of their shelter in a camp for displaced people in Baboua, Central African Republic.
28 April 2021

Child displacement in the Central African Republic (CAR) has now reached its highest level since 2014, according to the latest estimates from the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), warning of the mounting risks children face.

At least 168,000 children were forced to flee their homes following widespread violence and insecurity in the run-up to the general election of last December, and during its aftermath.

Around 70,000 of them have not been able to return. This brings the total to 370,000 internally displaced children across the country. Displaced children are at risk of exposure to sexual and physical violence, recruitment to armed forces and groups, increasing rates of malnutrition and limited access to essential services.

Recruitment by armed forces

Recruitment and use of children by armed forces and groups, remains the most frequent grave child rights violation in CAR, accounting for 584 out of a total of 792 cases of confirmed grave violations documented in 2020.

UNICEF Representative in CAR, Fran Equiza, told journalists in Geneva on Tuesday that in the last three months of 2020 alone, the UN verified more grave violations than in the entire first half of the same year - 415 incidents affecting 353 children were carried out compared to 384 incidents involving 284 children.

"In June 2020, the government of the Central African Republic adopted a national child protection code, which, for the first time, explicitly prohibits the recruitment and use of children by armed groups and forces, and clearly states that children formerly associated with armed groups should not be treated as adults”, he said.

But UNICEF has received unverified reports indicating that child recruitment and use, has continued over the first four months of 2021.

Health services

Despite CAR generally registering a relatively low number of COVID-19 cases, the epidemic has had a severe impact, including a significant decrease of overall immunization rates, and the closure and disruption of services for forcibly displaced children, and victims of violence.

Incidents of gender-based violence against children spiked at the height of the pandemic’s first wave and during school closures.

The recent escalation of violence has forced schools to be shut, occupied, or damaged in 11 out of the country’s 16 prefectures. "One in every four schools is not functional because of fighting, and half the country’s children are out of school because of conflict,” said Mr. Equiza.


At least 24,000 children under five, across 14 of the Central African Republic’s 35 health districts, are at risk of severe acute malnutrition following the recent spike in violence across the country.

Out of these 14 districts, six currently have no resources or capacity to respond to children’s acute needs. This year, at least 62,000 children under five are expected to suffer from severe acute malnutrition, a 25 per cent increase from 2020.

Humanitarian access

Liton village, in the commune of Begoua, north of Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, where 2,000 men, women and children have fled their villages since the clashes of January 2021 in and around PK12. , by MINUSCA / Herve Serefio

Humanitarian access remains a major concern, with 115 incidents against aid workers recorded by OCHA in January and February 2021, vs. 46 in the same period of 2020.

This has contributed to the suspension or reduction of humanitarian presence in most affected areas. "CAR remains one of the most dangerous countries for humanitarian workers,” said Mr. Equiza.

Limited food supplies in the local market and the poor condition of roads are also important challenges when it comes to quick availability and deployment of supplies.

UNICEF’s response

UNICEF has continued to strengthen its child protection activities across the country. This includes the deployment of mobile child protection teams who can reach vulnerable children, including those located in remote areas.

UNICEF and its partners are also working to provide children with mental health and psychosocial activities through child-friendly spaces and other community-based interventions.

“As part of the longer-term process of reintegration to their families and in their communities, children formerly associated with armed forces and groups are benefitting from specialized programmes that allow them to go back to school or receive vocational training,” said Mr. Equiza.

However, "approximately one in five of these children has not yet been enrolled in reintegration programmes, mainly due to funding constraints,” he added. In 2021, the organisation is seeking $8.2 million to scale up its activities in support of children and women affected by violence, exploitation, and abuse.


COVID-19 cases rise for ninth consecutive week, variants continue spreading

28 April 2021

COVID-19 infections have increased for the ninth consecutive week globally while variants continue their spread, the UN health agency has confirmed

Nearly 5.7 million new cases were reported in the last seven-day period, above previous highs, the World Health Organization (WHO) said in its latest coronavirus update published late Tuesday. 

The number of deaths from the virus also increased – now for the sixth consecutive week - with more than 87,000 confirmed victims. 

Southeast Asia spike 

All parts of the world reported falling numbers of infections, apart from Southeast Asia and Western Pacific regions. 

And although Southeast Asia reported the highest increases in infections and deaths for the third week in a row, it was India that accounted for the vast majority of cases, with 2.17 million new cases - a 52 per cent increase. 

This is the equivalent of nearly four in 10 global cases reported in the past week, followed by the United States (with 406,001 new cases, representing a 15 per cent decrease), Brazil (404,623 new cases, a 12 per cent decrease), Turkey (378,771 cases, a nine per cent decrease) and France (211,674 new cases, a nine per cent decrease). 


On the three known coronavirus variants of concern, WHO said that the so-called UK strain has been detected and verified in three more countries since last week, bringing the total to 139; that’s effectively most of the world, except Greenland and several central and southern African nations. 

The South African origin variant is in 87 countries and the mutations first found in Brazil and Japan, has been reported in 54. 

Monitoring is ongoing into seven other so-called “variants of interest”, the UN health agency said. 

Globally, there have been more than 148 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 3.1 million deaths, according to WHO.  

As of 27 April 2021, a total of 961,231,417 vaccine doses have been administered. 


COVID-19 cases and global deaths.



Сотрудники ООН помогают властям Индии, которая стала эпицентром пандемии COVID-19

Фото ЮНИСЕФ/В.Панджвани
Индия в последние месяцы стала эпицентром пандемии.
28 апреля 2021

Представители ООН в Индии помогают властям этой страны справиться с новой волной пандемии коронавируса. Индия в последние месяцы превратилась в эпицентр эпидемии. Больницы, реанимации и морги переполнены. В стране ежедневно регистрируется более 300 тысяч новых случаев заболевания. Более 200 тысяч человек скончались от COVID-19.

Первостепенная задача сейчас – снизить смертность и взять под контроль передачу вируса. Сотрудники Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) и Детского фонда ООН (ЮНИСЕФ) обеспечивают доставку в страну необходимых медицинских принадлежностей и оборудования.  

Благодаря их усилиям в ближайшее время в Индию поступят 700 кислородных концентраторов, 25 кислородных генераторов, 85 аппаратов тестирования на COVID-19, а также более 11 тысяч наборов средств индивидуальной защиты для медиков. 

Кроме того, сотрудники ВОЗ помогают в создании мобильных клиник. 2600 представителей этой организации сейчас работают в 23 штатах Индии, оказывая поддержку местным властям. 

В западный штат Махараштра, второй по численности населения штат в Индии, где сейчас сложилась наиболее тяжелая ситуация, руководство ВОЗ направило 10 экспертов, которые помогают властям принимать наиболее эффективные решения в сфере борьбы с пандемией.  


среда, 28 апреля 2021 г.

Nepal: New appointments ‘undermine independence’ of rights oversight body, UN experts warn

UN News
Entrance to the National Human Rights Commission of Nepal (file photo).
27 April 2021

United Nations independent human rights experts on Tuesday voiced serious concerns over recent appointment of new members to Nepal’s National Human Rights Commission, which they said “undermined its independence, integrity and legitimacy”.

In a statement, the experts said that the appointment process “failed to implement the essential requirements of the Paris Principles, including the need for an open, transparent and participatory process with broad consultations”.

“We are deeply concerned that the appointment process is not in line with international standards and that it undermines the independence, integrity and legitimacy of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), which restricts the ability of the people of Nepal to access appropriate remedies for alleged human rights violations.”

“This will have a chilling effect on civil society actors”, the experts said, calling on the Government to reverse the appointments and to “facilitate a new process marked by openness, transparency, broad consultation and participation”.

An independent and impartial national human rights institution is critical for the promotion and protection of civic space and in particular the right to assemble and associate, the statement noted, adding that it is also vital to the transitional justice process, and ensuring accountability for crimes committed during Nepal’s armed conflict, including extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances and torture.

The experts have communicated their concerns to the Government of Nepal, the statement noted.

Failure to adhere to domestic law

The experts also highlighted that the appointments failed to adhere to domestic law, as enshrined in the Constitution of Nepal, and that authorities showed unwarranted haste in avoiding crucial processes such as the parliamentary hearing.

According to their statement, the President of Nepal, through an ordinance on 15 December, amended the Constitutional Council – which recommends appointments to Constitutional bodies, including the NHRC – clearing the way for it to hold meetings without a quorum and take decisions based on a simple majority.

Under Nepali law, appointments to Constitutional bodies must also be confirmed through a parliamentary hearing process, which could not take place because the President dissolved the House of Representatives.

On 3 February, the President appointed five new members to the NHRC, despite the fact that legal petitions challenging the constitutionality of the ordinance were pending at the Supreme Court. 

In late February, the Court reversed the President’s dissolution of the House of Representatives, but hearings on petitions against the ordinance and appointments to Constitutional bodies are yet to take place.

Avoid any perception of bias

The experts also urged the Chief Justice of Nepal to recuse himself from the review of the petitions by the Court “to avoid any perception of lack of independence or bias”, as he was part of the Constitutional Council that recommended the appointments.

The human rights experts making the call included special rapporteurs on the rights of peaceful assembly and of association; on the situation of human rights defenders; on the independence of judges and lawyers; and on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; as well as the members of the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances.

The Special Rapporteurs and Working Groups are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. The experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity. 


Don’t let the digital divide become ‘the new face of inequality’: UN deputy chief

© UNICEF/Shehzad Noorani
Children use their tablet at a UNICEF supported learning centre in a village on the outskirts of Kassala, in Eastern Sudan.
27 April 2021

Without decisive action by the international community, the digital divide will become “the new face of inequality”, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed warned the General Assembly on Tuesday. 

Although technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain are opening new frontiers of productivity and providing opportunities to people and societies, they pose numerous risks, she said, including exclusion. 

“Almost half the world’s population, 3.7 billion people, the majority of them women, and most in developing countries, are still offline”, Ms Mohammed told ambassadors, tech experts and representatives from civil society groups. 

“Collectively, our task is to help design digital environments that can connect everyone with a positive future. This is why we need a common effort, with collaboration among national and local governments, the private sector, civil society, academia and multilateral organizations.” 

A fragmented digital space 

Ms Mohammed outlined areas for global cooperation, highlighting the key role the UN has in responding to what she characterized as the growing fragmentation in the digital space.   

“Geopolitical fault lines between major powers are emerging, with technology as a leading area of tension and disagreement”, she said.  At the same time, tech companies are responding in different ways to issues surrounding privacy, data governance and freedom of expression.   

The situation is made worse by the deepening digital divide between developed and developing countries, she added, resulting in global discussions on digital issues becoming less inclusive and representative. 

‘Global town hall’ needed 

“Now more than ever, we need a global townhall to address these issues and to capitalise on technology’s transformational potential to create new jobs, boost financial inclusion, close the gender gap, spur a green recovery and redesign our cities”, she said. 

The UN deputy chief underlined the value of engagement, as achieving universal connectivity cannot be left solely to governments or individual tech companies. 

She stressed that no single country or company “should steer the course of our digital future”. 

Development depends on connectivity 

The General Assembly debate sought to generate political commitments to address the widening digital divide as pandemic recovery efforts align with the push to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the end of the decade. 

“In a world of unparalleled innovation, where our loved ones are but a video call away, billions struggle to access even the most basic elements of connectivity or live with none at all. Truly, for billions of people the pace and scale of sustainable development is reliant upon digital connectivity,” said Volkan Bozkir, the General Assembly President. 

He stressed that “now is the time to act” as the digital divide, which existed long before COVID-19, was only made worse by the crisis. However, recovery offers the chance for true transformation. 

“As I have frequently stated, we must use the SDGs as a guide to our post-COVID recovery.  This means ensuring that no one is left behind, no one is left offline, and that we apply a whole-of-society, multi-stakeholder, and intergenerational approach to our efforts”, he said. 

“This is particularly important for the world’s 1.8 billion young people, who must be equipped with the skills and resources to thrive in an ever-changing, tech-driven future.” 

Mr Bozkir called for strengthening implementation of initiatives such as the UN Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, launched last June. In addition to achieving universal connectivity, its eight objectives include ensuring human rights are protected in the digital era.


SDGs will address ‘three planetary crises’ harming life on Earth

Unsplash/Jack B
Sunset over a field in the English countryside.
27 April 2021

The “three planetary crises” of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution are reinforcing each other and driving further damage to the environment and to our health, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said on Tuesday. 

Executive Director Inger Andersen told an online discussion that the “significant and pathbreaking” information contained in the UN agency’s synthesis report Making Peace With Nature, not only breaks down the science, but also shines a light on “the kind of gearshifts” needed for a steady trajectory forward. 

This includes reaching for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 12, on sustainable production and consumption, as well as making societies “much more aware of our footprint” on Earth. 

“It speaks to the urgency of now”, she said. 

Notwithstanding the need to lift people out of poverty, turn the wheels of economy and end world hunger, the report looks at what the earth can provide, and how it must be treated, to remain sustainable.   

Unless improvements are made, the planet is set to lose about a million species, out of an estimated eight million, Ms. Andersen warned. 

Making peace with nature 

During the discussion, report writers Ivar Andreas Baste and Robert Watson, along with scientific advisor Joyeeta Gupta explained how the key findings rested upon a range of assessments, including from UN agencies, intergovernmental environmental bodies and multilateral environmental agreements. 

“Overall about 50 leading experts helped us prepare and guide this synthesis”, Mr. Watson said, adding that the “options for action” within the report are consistent with each other.  

They also outlined that the interconnectivity of the three challenges putting the world’s well-being at risk can be tackled jointly within the SDG framework.  

Planetary emergency 

Since the Stockholm Conference on the environment over 50 years ago, Mr. Watson pointed out that both the number of environmental issues and their severity have grown, “we clearly know we have a planetary emergency”, he said. 

“Humanity is waging war on nature. This is senseless and suicidal”, Secretary-General António Guterres said in the foreword. “The consequences of our recklessness are already apparent in human suffering, towering economic losses and the accelerating erosion of life on Earth". 

A role for everyone  

The report maintains the need for “ambitious and coordinated action” by governments, businesses and people around the world to prevent and reverse the worst impacts of environmental decline by rapidly transforming energy, water and food systems to support sustainability.  

And while the COVID-19 emergency rightly preoccupies government budgets and political action, the response to this pandemic must ultimately accelerate the economic and social transformations needed to address the planetary emergency.  

“These are not just environmental issues, they are economic, development, security, social, moral and ethical issues”, said Robert Watson. 

Transforming social and economic systems means improving our relationship with nature – understanding its value and putting that value at the heart of decision making, according to the report. 

“By transforming how we view nature, we can recognize its true value. By reflecting this value in policies, plans and economic systems, we can channel investments into activities that restore nature and are rewarded for it”, said the UN chief. 



Key workers need greater protections amidst COVID fight, new ILO report warns

ILO/Minette Rimando
A convenience store requires staff to wear a mask, observe physical distance, and use a plastic sheet barrier as safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Muntinlupa City, Philippines.
27 April 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the workplace dangers faced by key workers who need far greater protection to do their jobs safely, the International Labour Organization (ILO) said on Tuesday.

A new report by the ILO, released to mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work, found that 7,000 health workers have died since the outbreak of the crisis, while 136 million health and social care workers are at risk of contracting COVID-19 through work.

The document, Anticipate, prepare and respond to crises. Invest now in resilient OSH (Occupation Safety and Health) systems, looks at how countries can minimize the risks for everyone in the workplace, in the event of future health emergencies.

It also highlights the mental health pressures associated with the pandemic: one in five healthcare workers globally, has reported depression and anxiety symptoms.

Strong, resilient safety systems

The report outlines the critical roles played during the pandemic by strong workplace guidance backed by enforcement, and calls for them to be dovetailed with national crisis emergency plans.

“There could be no clearer demonstration of the importance of a strong, resilient, occupational safety and health environment. Recovery and prevention will require better national policies, institutional and regulatory frameworks, properly integrated into crisis response frameworks”, said ILO Director-General Guy Ryder.

Pros and cons of teleworking

It’s not only health and care sectors that have proven to be sources of COVID-19 outbreaks.

Many workplaces where staff are in closed environments or spend time in close proximity with each other - including in shared accommodation or transport - are affected.

And while teleworking has been essential in limiting the spread of the virus, it has also blurred the lines between work and private life, adding to people’s mental stress.

Sixty-five per cent of enterprises surveyed by the ILO and the G20 OSH Network, focused on occupational safety, reported that worker morale has been difficult to sustain while teleworking.

The report stated that small and micro-sized enterprises have often found it hard to meet official safety-at-work requirements because many have lacked the resources to adapt to the threats posed by the pandemic.

In the informal economy, the UN agency warned that many of the world’s 1.6 billion workers in the sector, especially in developing countries, have continued working despite lockdowns, restrictions on movement and social interaction.

This has put them at high risk of catching the virus, yet most do not have access to basic social protection, such as sick leave or sick pay.

Social dialogue is key

International labour standards (ILS) offer specific guidance on how to respond to these challenges and reduce the risk of virus transmission in the workplace, the report says.

They provide tools to implement safety-first measures and to ensure that workers, employers and Governments, can maintain decent work, while adjusting to the socio-economic consequences of the pandemic.

ILS also encourage social dialogue as the best way to ensure that procedures and protocols are effectively implemented and accepted, the report concludes.




вторник, 27 апреля 2021 г.

Рынок криптовалют требует контроля l KBS WORLD

Samsung хранит интригу Какие устройства представит компания на презентации новинок

Фото: Kim Hong-Ji/File Photo / 25.04.2021, 17:06

Samsung представит свои новинки вслед за Apple. Компания должна провести презентацию 28 апреля. Корейская корпорация выложила в сеть трейлер, в котором демонстрируются складные устройства. Однако больше о новинках в компании ничего не говорят. Эксперты полагают, что это могут быть новые ноутбуки или смартфоны. Чем удивит Samsung? Об этом — Сергей Гусев.

Samsung заинтриговал и пообещал показать на презентации «самый мощный Galaxy». Инсайдеры сообщают, что речь идет о первом ноутбуке компании с собственным процессором. Samsung не обновлял линейку лэптопов два года, и за это время продукт со своим чипом уже выпустила Apple. Но корейский производитель точно не отстал от конкурентов, считает директор по стратегии развития медиапроектов Mail.ru Дмитрий Рябинин: «Они уже сейчас используются в смартфонах и планшетах Samsung, поэтому у компании есть экспертиза и готовая производственная база для того, чтобы внедрить технологию и в ноутбуках. У компании появится целостная экосистема, которой нет даже у Apple, потому что iPhone не работают на M1. На мой взгляд, это будет очень интересно и даст компании большую фору на фоне других производителей».

Однако новые ноутбуки Samsung вряд ли появятся в магазинах: компания не поставляет их на российский рынок около восьми лет. Зато новые смартфоны Galaxy Z Flip и Galaxy Z Fold 3 с гибким экраном точно будут представлены, уверены эксперты, опрошенные “Ъ FM”.

Аналитики не исключают того, что их могут показать на предстоящей презентации, хотя большинство профильных СМИ отмечают, что премьеру, скорее всего, отложат до лета. Гибким смартфонам в компании уделяют особое внимание, и это не случайно, полагает хайтек-обозреватель “Ъ FM” Александр Леви: «Если брать прогноз по продажам или поставкам складных смартфонов во всем мире, то в любом случае будет наблюдаться рост, который через год может вырасти в два раза. В сравнении с 2019 годом он увеличился почти в 17-20 раз, так что это 100% перспективное направление.

Скоро мы увидим подобные продукты у тех компаний, чьи ресурсы позволяют тратить солидные суммы на такие разработки

Но довольны устройством остаются не все. Например, IT-эксперт Сергей Вильянов связывает внимание к смартфону с простым любопытством. Он сам покупал гибкий телефон, но быстро продал его, причем желающих приобрести устройство, по его словам, было не так много. От предстоящей презентации Samsung эксперт не ждет ничего интересного. По его мнению, корейская компания уже давно выбрала неправильный путь развития. «Samsung — это чисто “железячная” история, а Apple уже давно не только и не столько конечный продукт. Решения, которые предлагает Apple, держатся в одном направлении в течение долгих лет. Корейским компаниям по каким-то причинам свойственны метания. Они выпускают обычный хороший, качественный телефон и вдруг, в следующем году, создают какой-то непонятный уникальный форм-фактор, который, как выясняется, никому не нужен»,— отметил Сергей Вильянов.

Говоря о предстоящей презентации Samsung, многие эксперты вспоминают новинки, которые Apple показала 20 апреля, например, трекеры AirTag и планшеты на собственном процессоре. Сможет ли Samsung чем-то удивить на фоне конкурента? В этом не сомневается ведущий аналитик Mobile Research Group Эльдар Муртазин. По его мнению, южнокорейский вендор смог перехватить у Apple не только часть аудитории, но и статус технологического новатора.

Если посмотреть на последнюю презентацию Apple, то там было много заимствованных продуктов Samsung.

Некоторые устройства просто скопированы один в один. Ну, например, AirTag — это полная копия SmartTag, даже цена такая же. Samsung постепенно отъедает долю рынка в имиджевых продуктах, потому что у Apple нет ничего сопоставимого. В отличие от Apple Samsung создает технологии и контролирует их, поэтому они в выигрышном положении»,— поясняет Эльдар Муртазин.

Но статистика глобальных продаж смартфонов говорит об обратном. По итогам 2020 года Samsung потерял 1% доли на мировом рынке, хоть и сохранил лидерство, а Apple, наоборот, улучшила свои позиции. По объему продаж ноутбуков Samsung в 2020 году не вошел в пятерку крупнейших корпораций мира, в то время как Apple занимает четвертое место. Поэтому, как отмечают аналитики рынка, Samsung очень надеется на свой новый лэптоп.

Иван Хорушевский
