Избранное сообщение

четверг, 7 декабря 2017 г.

Climate Change and NGOs – The International Forum of NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO


7-8 December 2017 | Paris, France
Climate Change and NGOs – The International Forum of NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO

Organized by the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee in close cooperation with the UNESCO Secretariat, the eight International Forum of NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO will focus on climate change and will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, on 7 and 8 December 2017.

“Changing Minds, not the Climate” is the mission statement of the Updated UNESCO Strategy for Action on Climate Change, endorsed by the 39th session of the General Conference, which aims at enabling Member States to take urgent action to combat climate change. This contribution is in line with the Paris Agreement and falls within the overall context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its SDG 13.

Within this context, NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO have an important role to play and the forum will provide a privileged opportunity to discuss de contribution of the civil society to the implementation of the UNESCO’s Strategy in its fields of competence – education, sciences, culture and information and communication.

During two days of debates, the Forum will seek to reflect on the UNESCO Strategy for Action on Climate Change and to identify avenues of action for NGOs to support UNESCO’s work and make recommendations to the Organization. A Poster Exhibition (infographic, photos, etc.) will also be organized showing the work of NGOs on climate change as well as the results of the online consultation.

Thus, discussions will be organized around three general themes:

Ocean and Climate Change
The ocean source of eco-innovations
Citizen engagement
The ocean in the climate system

The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Addressing Climate Change
Education and awareness of communities to adopt more sustainable lifestyles
Sensitization of national, regional and international decision-makers on changes in hydrological systems affecting the quantity and quality of water resources
Involvement and role of women and youth
Gender and climate change
Ethics of climate change

Cultural heritage, Biosphere reserves and Indigenous peoples’ knowledge and actions
Indigenous peoples are also custodians of our environment; their strategies for biodiversity conservation and resilience in the face of climate change
Degradation of the environment and poverty; what resilience models to counter this double aggression?
Over-exploitation of natural resources exacerbated by climate change and the displacement of local populations; do protected areas such as World Heritage sites and Biosphere reserves offer solutions?

This Forum will gather NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO, but is also open to the participation of other institutions and representatives of Member States, subject to prior registration on the website of the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee (www.ong-unesco.org).

The provisional programme, practical information and working documents will available on this site and that of the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee (www.ong-unesco.org).

http://www.wfeo.org/events/climate-change-ngos-international-forum-ngos-official-partnership-unesco/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode