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четверг, 22 сентября 2016 г.

20th Wedding Anniversary for Margareta and Radu!

   September 21, 2016 at 2:28 am by 

Crown Princess and Prince Radu of Romania wedding 1996 (4)
Photo by Alain Morvan, GAMMA
Their Royal Highnesses Crown Princess Margareta and Prince Radu of Romania celebrate their 20th Wedding Anniversary today!
A civil wedding had taken place in the town hall of Versoix, Switzerland on the 24th July 1996 and two months later at the Orthodox Cathedral in Lausanne, the religious wedding took place.  Given away by her father, King Michael, Princess Margareta wore a stunning white silk dress with long sleeves, a square neck-line and full skirt. The gown was embossed with a floral motive of embroidery and her veil was held in place by a magnificent diamond tiara. She was attended to by her younger sister, Princess Sophie, who acted as bridesmaid and wore an elegant, sapphire-blue silk dress.
Amongst the guests were Queen Sophia of Spain and her brother, King Constantine of the Hellenes, together with members of other royal families throughout Europe.
Crown Princess and Prince Radu of Romania wedding 1996 (1)
Photo by Alain Morvan, GAMMA
At the time, King Michael and his family were still in exile and were unable to visit Romania. Accordingly, the wedding had to take place in Switzerland and was officiated by His Beatitude Metropolitan Damaskinos of Switzerland who had the assistance of the cathedral’s pastor,Father Alexander Iossifidis.  Divine service was spoken in Romanian, Latin, Greek and English.

Photo by Alain Morvan, GAMMA
In celebration of the Anniversary, Crown Princess Margareta and Prince Radu will attend a gala concert by the Romanian National Opera in the city of Cluj this coming Friday. Then, on Saturday, a service of blessing at the Coronation Cathedral in Alba Iulia will be held in the couple’s honour.
For more photos of this event please click here!

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