Избранное сообщение

пятница, 31 мая 2019 г.

Samsung Electronics занимает первое место в мире по продажам оборудования 5G

2019-05-30   16:18:02

Photo : YONHAP News

Южнокорейская компания Samsung Electronics заняла первое место по доле оборудования связи пятого поколения 5G на мировом рынке. 

По данным американского аналитического агентства Dell’Oro, в четвёртом квартале прошлого и первом квартале этого года продажи компании составили 37% профильного рынка, что является крупнейшим показателем. Далее следуют Huawei – 28%, Ericsson - 27%, Nokia – 8%. 

Стоит отметить, что по итогам всего прошлого года на первом месте был китайский производитель Huawei с долей 31%. Доля Samsung Electronics составила лишь 6,6%. Нынешний успех Samsung объясняется резким ростом спроса, учитывая значительные инвестиции трёх южнокорейских телекоммуникационных компаний в создание сети связи 5G по всей стране. 

Между тем, по состоянию на первый квартал на Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион пришлось 70% всех мировых инвестиций в сферу 5G.

http://world.kbs.co.kr/service/news_view.htm?lang=r&Seq_Code=57735 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

Космический зонд "Хаябуса-2" сбросил маркер на поверхность астероида для подготовки к посадке

Обновлено 16 часов назад

Японское агентство по освоению аэрокосмического пространства (JAXA) сообщило, что космический зонд "Хаябуса-2" сбросил ориентировочный маркер на астероид Рюгу с целью подготовки к посадке в искусственный кратер или поблизости от него.

Агентство заявило, что зонд сбросил маркер с высоты примерно 10 метров в четверг по японскому времени.

Этот маркер шаровидной формы и диаметром 10 см предназначен сориентировать зонд при посадке.

Во время спуска по направлению к астероиду зонд "Хаябуса-2" делал снимки его рельефа, в том числе кратера, который был искусственно создан в апреле в результате сброса металлического предмета на поверхность.

Исследователи JAXA хотят выяснить, сможет ли зонд "Хаябуса-2" совершить посадку в кратер 10-метровой ширины или рядом с ним для сбора образцов подземного грунта, образовавшихся в результате воздействия на поверхность.

Исследователи планируют проанализировать снимки для подтверждения местоположения маркера, а также особенностей рельефа в кратере и около него. Они планируют выяснить до середины июня возможность посадки зонда.

Исследователи отмечают, что временной лимит для посадки - начало июля, так как астероид будет приближаться к Солнцу и температура его поверхности, как полагают, будет повышаться.

https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/ru/news/160101/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

Курс биткойна превысил $9 тыс. впервые с мая 2018 года

30.05.2019 19:41:08

Средний обменный курс биткойна за прошедшие сутки вырос почти на 3,4% и по состоянию на 19:05 мск достиг 9 тыс. 1,29 доллара за единицу криптовалюты, свидетельствуют данные портала Coinmarketcap. В последний раз биткойн был дороже 9 тыс. долларов 11 мая 2018 года.

Капитализация рынка биткойна, согласно данным портала, в четверг превысила 159,6 млрд долларов.

Стоимость криптовалюты стала существенно расти в начале мая 2019 года.

Биткойн - децентрализованная система одноименной криптовалюты на основе технологии блокчейн, которую может «добывать» (эмитировать) любой пользователь - участник системы. Для этого нужно создавать новые блоки системы с помощью вычислительного устройства.

Концепция системы была опубликована в ноябре 2008 г. ее автором (возможно, коллективом авторов) под псевдонимом Сатоси Накамото, но взрыв популярности биткойна произошел лишь в последние годы. Эмиссия биткойна естественным образом ограничена, и в настоящее время большая часть биткойнов уже «добыты».

https://www.finanz.ru/novosti/valyuty/kurs-bitkoyna-prevysil-$9-tys-vpervye-s-maya-2018-goda-1028242890 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

A major win for transgender rights: UN health agency drops ‘gender identity disorder’, as official diagnosis

Photo/World Health Organization

Discrimination remains a major barrier to people accessing prevention services, #HIV testing and treatment and care, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

30 May 2019

Human Rights

“To reflect critical advances in science and medicine”, the World Health Organization, WHO, has removed so-called “gender identity disorder” from its official manual of diagnoses, which is being hailed as a major win for transgender rights.

The update to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) has reclassified gender identity disorder, or identifying as transgender, in terms of sexuality, not a “mental disorder”.

It is time for the world to recognize and celebrate the rich diversity of human nature – UN experts

Classified now as “gender incongruence”, Lale Say, the Coordinator of WHO’s Department of Reproductive Health and Research, explained that the move came about because the UN health agency now had a “better understanding that it was not actually a mental health condition”.

On 25 May, WHO approved a resolution to remove “gender identity disorder” from ICD-11 and created a new chapter dedicated to sexual health.

The reclassification will “reduce the stigma” while ensuring “access to necessary health interventions”, according to Ms. Say.

Gender incongruence can be described as a feeling of anguish when an individual’s identity conflicts with the sex they were assigned at birth.

A ‘major breakthrough’

Moving the disorder into WHO’s new chapter for sexual health will also help lift discrimination, a major barrier to accessing prevention services, HIV testing and treatment and care.

© UNICEF/Danielle Pereira | Moisés Maciel da Silva, 19, from São Paulo, Brazil, found out he was living with HIV when he turned 18 years old.

“We expect that this reclassification will impact very positively the wrong perception that some forms of gender diversity are pathologies, or sickness, and that it will facilitate access to better health care,” said Victor Madrigal-Borloz, Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and Dainius Pῡras, Special Rapporteur on the right to health.

The UN experts welcomed the “major breakthrough” and called on States to “review their medical classifications and adopt strong proactive measures” to eliminate the social stigma associated with gender diversity.

The stressed that denying the existence of diversity or lifestyle choices “leads to violence, including so-called ‘corrective rape’ and ‘conversion therapy’, and to forced, coercive and otherwise involuntary treatments and procedures to ‘normalise’ sexual attraction or human bodies”.

“It is time for the world to recognize and celebrate the rich diversity of human nature,” they concluded.

‘Snapshot’ of wellbeing

Because “data on disease and death reveal how a population is truly faring”, WHO flags health statistics as true “snapshots of a country’s wellbeing”.

Pointing out their importance as forming “the basis for almost every decision made in health care today”, WHO calls ICD “the bedrock for health statistics”.

“ICD codes can have enormous financial importance, since they are used to determine where best to invest increasingly scant resources”, WHO said.

According to one gender identity advocacy organization, the reclassification will encourage people to put pressure on their own governments to adopt ICD-11 in the coming years.


Don’t let smoking steal life’s breathtaking moments, urges UN health agency


The World Health Organization (WHO) says that tobacco use claims about eight million lives a year. (file)

29 May 2019


Tobacco use continues to claim around eight million lives a year, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday, in a call for faster action from governments to tackle smoking and the “enormous” health, social, environmental and economic costs it entails.

Ahead of World No Tobacco Day, marked on Friday, 31 May, WHO’s Dr Vinayak Prasad, acting Director, Department for the Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases, highlighted the damage that tobacco causes to the lungs of smokers and non-smokers alike.

He warned that 3.3 million tobacco-related deaths - more than 40 per cent of the total - come from lung diseases, such as cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and tuberculosis.

“We want to highlight the huge scale of tobacco-related lung diseases,” he told journalists in Geneva. “Out of that 3.3 (million), about half a million people are those who are exposed to second-hand smoke and die from it…Amongst children, less than five years old, 60,000 children die every year from second-hand smoke – these are all low respiratory-tract infections.”

In just a single lungful of tobacco smoke, WHO insists that the hundreds of toxins contained in it “begin damaging the lungs”. This is because when smoke is inhaled, the structures that sweep mucus and dirt out of our airways are paralysed, allowing poisons in tobacco smoke to make their way into the lungs more easily.

The result of this is reduced lung function and breathlessness, owing to swollen airways and a build-up of mucus, WHO says, adding that these initial symptoms “are just part of the damage” that tobacco does to the lungs.

Governments 'lagging behind' their commitments

Although the percentage of people using tobacco globally has declined in recent decades - from 27 per cent in 2000, to 20 per cent in 2016 – WHO insists that governments are “lagging behind” their commitments to reduce tobacco use by 30 per cent by 2025.

To counter this, the UN agency is calling for quicker implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), which provides practical advice on how to implement tobacco control measures covering all sectors of government.

The Convention highlights the need for greater public awareness strategies, such as creating smoke-free indoor public spaces, workplaces and public transport, along with banning tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, and significantly increasing taxes on tobacco products, which should be sold with graphic health warnings.

In parallel to these activities, WHO’s advice remains that it’s never too late to quit smoking, as lung function improves within two weeks of stopping.

“Quitting tobacco use has the potential to reverse some, but not all, of the damage done by tobacco smoke to the lungs,” WHO says. “Quitting as soon as possible is therefore essential to prevent the onset of chronic lung disease, which is potentially irreversible once it has developed.”

To help people who want to quit, WHO also recommends the implementation of a toll-free ‘quitline’ service which offers behavioural counselling to callers, helping to boost quit rates by as much as four per cent. Mobile phone-based support for people who want to quit has also proved successful, the UN agency maintains.

These include WHO’s “Be He@lthy, Be Mobile” cessation programme – in association with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) – which offers personalized support through mobile text messaging.

“These programmes help tobacco users to quit and are efficient and cost-effective,” WHO says, noting that in India, the programme achieved a self-reported 19 per cent quit rate after four to six months, compared with a baseline population quit rate, of five per cent.

The programme has been implemented in Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, India, the Philippines and Tunisia, and can be rolled out elsewhere, WHO says.


Первые беспилотники на улицах Москвы и Татарстана появятся уже в апреле-мае 2019

13 марта 2019 в 14:13

Около 150 самоуправляемых автомобилей

Заместитель главы Минпромторга Александр Морозов подтвердил, что первые автомобили-беспилотники появятся на улицах Москвы и Татарстана в конце апреля или в начале мая. Это решение принято с учетом состояния зимних дорог и необходимости получения опыта.

Заявки на участия в эксперименте по тестированию беспилотных авто подали "Яндекс", МАДИ, КБ "Аврора", КамАЗ, "Иннополис" и Таганрогский университет. Информацию предоставил соруководитель рабочей группы Национальной технологической инициативы "Автонет" и президент партнерства "ГЛОНАСС" Александр Гурко. Scania, Volvo, MAN и еще ряд компаний не планируют выходить на дороги в этом году, но, возможно, сделают это в следующем.

Все смотрят за пионерами, не все хотят набивать шишки первыми. Всего около 150 автомобилей в этом году, мы ожидаем, выйдут на дороги, из них львиная доля, конечно, "Яндекса".

Александр Гурко

В качестве базовых платформы вышеупомянутые компании выбирают автомобили Nissan, ГАЗ, КамАЗ, а также Ford Focus и Kia Optima. Эксперимент по тестированию беспилотных автомобилей должен продлиться три года.

Автор: Jin

| Теги: авто

| Источник: РИА Новости


четверг, 30 мая 2019 г.

Швейцарский ВВП превзошел прогнозы экспертов


Фото: SNB

Экономика Швейцарии набрала темпы роста в первом квартале 2019 года. В январе-марте ВВП вырос на 0,6% по сравнении с октябрем-декабрем 2018 года. Данный результат превзошел прогнозы экспертов в 0,2-0,4%. (Портал «Швейцария Деловая»)

Если сравнивать с январём-мартом 2018 года, в первом квартале текущего года ВВП Швейцарии вырос на 1,7%. Об этом свидетельствуют данные Государственного секретариата по экономике (Seco).

Укреплению экономики Швейцарии способствовал спрос на внутреннем рынке. Однако позитивная тенденция также наблюдалась на внешнем рынке, сообщили аналитики Seco.

В частности, личное потребление Швейцарии впервые за шесть кварталов закрепилось на уровне выше среднего – рост на 0,4%. Инвестиции в строительство выросли на 0,5%, а инвестиции в оборудование – на 1,5%. Экспорт товаров вырос на 2,2%.

https://business-swiss.ch/2019/05/shvejcarskij-vvp-prognozy-jekspertov/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

В РК продолжает сокращаться рождаемость

2019-05-29   16:05:57

Photo : YONHAP News

В марте этого года количество новорождённых сократилось в РК на 6,9% в годовом исчислении, составив 27.100 человек. Это самый низкий мартовский показатель с начала сбора соответствующей статистики в 1981 году. 

Как сообщили в Национальном статистическом управлении, такая ситуация связана с изменениями в структуре населения и отказом молодых корейцев от вступления в брак из-за неблагоприятной экономической ситуации. 

 Коэффициент рождаемости - среднее число рождений у одной женщины за всю её жизнь при сохранении существующих уровней рождаемости – уменьшился в прошлом году до рекордно низкого уровня 0,98. Между тем, для поддержания численности населения на стабильном уровне в 51 млн человек коэффициент должен составлять 2,1.

http://world.kbs.co.kr/service/news_view.htm?lang=r&id=Dm&Seq_Code=57719 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

На продуктовой выставке в Таиланде демонстрируют продукцию из насекомых

Обновлено 22 часа назад

На продуктовой выставке в Таиланде внимание привлекают продукты из насекомых.

Около 2.700 компаний из 42 стран и территорий принимают участие в этом мероприятии в пригороде Бангкока.

Одно венчурное предприятие Таиланда перерабатывает сверчков, делая из них порошок, который используют при приготовлении лапши рамэн и кексов.

Представители компании говорят, что сверчки потребляют мало корма и воды, а приготовленный из них порошок очень питателен.

Стенд Японской организации по развитию внешней торговли (JETRO) также привлекает внимание посетителей, что говорит о популярности японских продуктов питания в Таиланде.

https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/ru/news/159737/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

В первом квартале 2019 года внешний долг Монголии достиг 29,5 млрд долларов США

2019-05-30 04:26:30丨Russian.News.Cn

Улан-Батор, 29 мая /Синьхуа/ -- В первом квартале 2019 года внешний долг Монголии достиг 29,5 млрддолларов США, сообщила сегодня пресс-служба ЦБ Монголии.

При этом данный показатель вырос на 800 млн долларов по сравнению с аналогичным периодом предыдущего года. Наибольшая доля из общей суммы задолженности приходится на выплату долга по кредитам, отмечено в официальном сообщении.

Аналитики отмечают, что Монголию с 2021 по 2024 гг. ждут пиковые выплаты по внешнему долгу. В них включены платежи по облигациям "Чингис", "Гэрэгэ" и "Хуралдай".

http://russian.news.cn/2019-05/30/c_138100873.htm http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

Всемирная ассамблея здравоохранения: лекарства должны быть качественными и доступными

Фото ЮНИСЕФ/О.Асселин
Лекарства должны быть доступными и качественными.

28 мая 2019


Участники 72-й сессии Всемирной ассамблеи здравоохранения приняли сегодня резолюцию, авторы которой призывают повысить прозрачность рынка лекарственных препаратов, вакцин и другой фармацевтической продукции. Ее главная цель – обеспечить защиту здоровья населения и сделать лекарственные средства доступными для большего числа людей.

В документе страны-члены Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) просят публиковать информацию о ценах, по которым правительство и другие стороны закупают лекарства, а также о патентах, клинических испытаниях и других факторах, которые влияют на ценообразование такой продукции.

В соответствии с резолюцией, секретарит ВОЗ должен способствовать повышению прозрачности рынков и обеспечению населения доступными лекарствами. Всемирная организация здравоохранения будет также помогать государствам принимать продуманные решения при закупке лекарственных препаратов и договариваться о более приемлемых ценах.

Всемирная ассамблея здравоохранения – это высший орган ВОЗ, принимающий решения. Ежегодная 72-я сессия Всемирной ассамблеи завершилась сегодня в Женеве. В ВОЗ считают, что каждый житель планеты должен иметь возможность обратиться к врачу и получить квалифицированную помощь. Очевидно, что доступ к лекарствам – один из ключевых компонентов такой системы.


Mozambique cyclones a ‘wake-up call’ to boost resistance: UN weather agency


Internally displaced people in Beira, Mozambique,dry clothes at a secondary school used to shelter evacuees from Cyclone Idai, March 2019.

29 May 2019

Climate Change

The havoc caused by cyclones Idai and Kenneth across Mozambique is “a wake-up call” for vulnerable countries “to build resistance" against further high-impact tropical storms, coastal flooding and intense rainfall linked to climate change, according to the United Nations weather agency chief.

A World Meteorological Organization (WMO) fact-finding mission to Mozambique recommended on Wednesday a package of disaster-risk-reduction priorities to strengthen the country’s early warning systems and reduce damage due to weather, climate and water-related hazards.

“Mozambique needs to build resilience”, WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said in a message to an international pledging conference to secure support for reconstruction, on Saturday. “Although the number of tropical cyclones globally is expected to reduce in the future, the number of most intense tropical cyclones (category 4 and 5), associated with more rainfall, will increase in a warming climate,” he said.

He asserted that future sea level rise “will exacerbate the impact of storm surge on coastal regions” and raise flooding concerns, “particularly for low-lying cities such as Beira”, which was inundated by the cyclones in March and April. It also draws attention to Mozambique’s vulnerability to floods from both rivers and sea. The fact-finding team said that a $27 million investment is needed to strengthen meteorological and water supply sectors.

This includes reconstruction, rehabilitation and modernization of infrastructure and equipment, land surveys for flood-risk mapping and satellite rainfall estimation and forecast training.

The team of meteorologists and hydrologists, headed by WMO’s Filipe Lúcio, will present a report to an international pledging conference for Mozambique, taking place on Friday and Saturday in Beira.
‘A salutary warning’

On 14 March, months-worth of rain fell in a matter of hours around the coastal city as Idai provoked one of the worst disasters to ever hit the southern hemisphere.

Disaster management practices require:

Effective floodplain management practices, including land use, urban planning.
Updated building codes to withstand intense tropical cyclone winds.
Multi-purpose infrastructure to serve as shelters in cases of tropical cyclones and accommodation during floods. 

Consideration of structural measures for protection and management, where appropriate.

The cyclone and subsequent flooding killed more than 600 people, injured an estimated 1,600, affected more than 1.8 million and caused an estimated $773 million in damages to buildings, infrastructure and agriculture.

“In times of floods, Mozambicans seek safety on roofs of buildings. But the ferocity of Idai’s winds blew the roofs away”, said Mr. Lucio. “It is a salutary warning about the future scale of the combined challenges from urbanization and climate change-related sea level rise and extreme weather”.

The fact-finding team’s visit coincided with Cyclone Kenneth, the most intense tropical cyclone ever known to have hit the Cabo Delgado province, on 25 April.

According to the report, WMO identified major weaknesses on preparedness, emergency coordination and response, including the lack of a back-up communication system for warning and emergency operations and an evacuation plan for cities, particularly in low-lying areas.

Moreover, because Mozambique is downstream of nine major river basins, it is prone to devastating floods, but water use upstream can also exacerbated low flows during droughts.

While climate change projections indicate a global decrease in numbers of tropical storms and cyclones, they signal possible increases in intensities and associated rainfall. And, assuming all other factors are equal, WMO predicts that sea-level rise will exacerbate the impact of storm surge on coastal regions.


Asia-Pacific ‘regional parliament’ underway to advance equality, empowerment, for more than four billion citizens


The traditional parade of flags takes place at the opening of the seventy-fifth session of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand. (29 May 2019)

29 May 2019


The top United Nations body in the Asia-Pacific region opened its annual session this week, calling for greater empowerment of disadvantaged and marginalized groups if the region is to achieve the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and fulfill its promise to leave no one behind.

According to a study by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), forming the basis for intergovernmental discussions, while the benefits of economic growth and social progress have reached rural areas, persons with disabilities and women in many countries, the divide between the haves and the have-nots, is widening.

“In recent decades, quality of life has improved for most people in the region, yet, growing inequalities present a threat to further advances”, said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in a video message for Monday’s opening session in Bangkok, Thailand. “The challenge is to ensure that socio-economic progress reaches those left behind,” he added.

Recalling his recent visit to the South Pacific, where he saw the “brutal” impact of the global “climate emergency”, Mr. Guterres called on countries to redouble efforts to combat climate change in Asia and the Pacific. “This is a battle we can and must win,” he underscored.

Informally dubbed the “parliament” of the Asia-Pacific region, ESCAP – the UN’s socio-economic development arm for the area, which is home to more than 4 billion people, or nearly two-thirds of the world population – is a forum for Governments and other stakeholders to discuss key sustainable and inclusive development issues.

Established in 1947, it comprises 53 Member States and 9 associate members, stretching from the Pacific island of Tuvalu in the east, to Turkey in the west, and Russia in the north, to New Zealand in the south.

‘Opportunity’ to reaffirm ‘shared responsibility’

Addressing the opening session, Armida Alisjahbana, the Executive Secretary of ESCAP, urged countries to build on past successes and shape future priorities.

“Since this Commission first met in 1947, our countries have travelled a long journey,” she said, noting that many consider Asia-Pacific region as the “engine” of the world economy.

“We have yet more to offer. We can provide the global leadership to collectively achieve a transformed and resilient society in our region [and] respond to challenges that transcend borders and accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”

In her policy statement, Ms. Alisjahbana outlined five key areas central to achieving that transformation: strengthening social protection; strengthening resilience to international trade tensions; fighting environmental degradation; improving resilience against disasters; and “unleashing” the potential of new technologies as a “force for good”.

“I am committed to working with all Member States to achieve transformed and resilient societies in our region. The evidence indicates we can be more effective if we empower citizens to support this transformation”, she concluded.

The opening session also heard a special address by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand – a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for the empowerment of children through education, as well as an FAO Goodwill Ambassador for zero hunger – in which she highlighted the importance of integrated and people-centred approach to development and that it should endure.

Development work should integrate dimensions and issues including healthcare, education and employment, she said, adding that “development work should not last only a few years but go on as long as possible.”

Mongolian Foreign Minister elected Chair

Also on Monday, the Commission elected Damdin Tsogtbaatar, the Foreign Minister of Mongolia, as Chair of its 75th session.

In a speech following his election, Mr. Tsogtbaatar reiterated the importance of sustainable development, underscoring that the session is an “opportunity to accelerate the pace of implementation, shape policies and integrate the national strategies to reduce gap between rich and poor and threats from climate change.”

The opening day also saw ESCAP Executive Secretary Ms. Alisjahbana sign four Memoranda of Understanding with the regional and global organizations on strengthening cooperation in the areas of disaster resilience, early warning systems, renewable energy, research and evidence-based policy making.

Concluding on Friday, 31 May, the seventy-fifth session of ESCAP also includes the Commission’s high-level general debate on the theme “empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality,” the meeting of the Special Body on Least Developed, Landlocked Developing and Pacific Island Developing Countries, a roundtable discussion with sub-regional organizations in the Asia-Pacific region, and a number of side events hosted by UN Member States and partner organizations.


‘Save Tuvalu; save the world’; UN chief echoes rallying cry from front lines of global climate emergency


A 16-year-old child swims in the flooded area of Aberao village in Kiribati. The Pacific island 
is one of the countries worst affected by sea-level rise.

29 May 2019

Climate Change

Further inaction on climate change is “simply not an option”, United Nations
 Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday in an opinion piece 
where he called for “rapid and deep change in how we do business, 
generate power, build cities and feed the world.” 

If the world is to prevail against climate change, “then we must find the political 
will to take transformative measures,” declared the UN chief. 

UN Photo/Mark Garten | Secretary-General António Guterres on the Pacific Ocean island of 
Tuvalu. (17 May 2019)

“Leaders must come to the UN summit in September armed with solutions as well as
 speeches”, he stressed, referring to the action-focused meeting he is convening in 
September to mobilize political ambition on climate change and push forward the goals 
of the Paris Agreement, which encompass greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation, adaptation, 
and finance.

On his recent Pacific tour to the frontlines of the global climate emergency, he heard the 
rallying cry “Save Tuvalu; save the world,” while visiting the tiny island archipelago that
 is battling sea level rise and coastal erosion as warming temperatures threaten the region.

“I was there to show solidarity with those suffering the worst impacts of climate change 
and to draw attention to the innovative climate action underway in the region,” explained
 the UN chief.

Sea level rise in some Pacific countries is “four times greater than the global average”, he
 stated, saying that it poses “an existential threat to several island States”.

“Oceans are in serious trouble, from coral bleaching to biodiversity loss to plastic pollution”, 
he warned. “Extreme weather events are on the rise, jeopardizing lives and livelihoods”.

Mr. Guterres spelled out: “Nowhere have I seen the heartbreaking impacts of climate change 
more starkly than in Tuvalu, a remote coral atoll nation where the highest point is less than
 five metres above sea level.”

He recounted a visit to the home of a family “who live in a state of perpetual anxiety about 
inundation by the relentlessly rising seas just steps away”.

The UN chief was “deeply moved by the warmth of the Tuvaluan people and their intense 
devotion to their land, way of life and cultural heritage”, he said, adding that while these 
communities have contributed almost nothing to climate change, because of big emitters, 
“they are now fighting to preserve their country’s very existence”. 

The ‘whole planet’ at stake

“Make no mistake: it is not just Tuvalu, or small islands, or the Pacific at stake”, underscored 
the Secretary-General. “It is the whole planet”.

Lauren Day/World Bank | Building seawalls along the coastline in Tarawa, Kiribati, to to
 protect against high tides or tsunamis.

What is happening to these countries “is a sign of what is in store for the rest of us”, he 
warned. “People all over the world are starting to feel the impacts of the climate emergency – 
and these will only worsen”.

The UN chief recalled meeting young children who “are already fearful for their future and 
are relying on my generation to secure it”.

“As Secretary-General of the UN, I have many battles”, he said. “But as a grandfather, the
 struggle against climate change is the fight of my life”.

Noting that “we are not winning”, Mr. Guterres urged that political will must be
 fund “to take transformative measures”.

“We must acknowledge the moral authority of the Pacific nations, frontrunners in the race 
against the climate emergency”, he stated

“And we must find sustainable solutions, invest in renewable energies and increase resilience 
and adaptation”. 

Achieving ‘essential’ goals

The clearly laid-out goals of the scientific community to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 
and limit global warming to 1.5C by the end of the century, are “essential”, according to the 
UN chief.

Thomas Michael Perry/World Bank | Fishermen on Vanuatu's Malekula Island launch their 
outrigger canoe.

As the global community pursues those goals, he restated his message to Governments to “shift 
taxes from salaries to carbon”, saying “we should tax pollution, not people”.

He also urged them to “stop subsidizing fossil fuels” because “taxpayers’ money should not be 
used to boost hurricanes, spread drought and heat waves, and melt glaciers”.

“Stop building new coal plants by 2020”, he continued. “We need a green economy, not a grey 

He stressed that we have the tools to tackle the climate crisis, to “save lives and property, breathe 
less polluted air, access cleaner water and protect biodiversity”. 

“Climate action could also yield a direct economic gain of $26 trillion, compared to business 
as usual, through to 2030, making it a cost-effective option” argued the UN chief.

Turning to his climate action summit, Mr. Guterres flagged that he is asking world 
leaders to come “not just with speeches” but with “plans to transform energy, mobility, 
industry and agriculture”, and to implement their commitments to climate financing, 
“not out of generosity but enlightened self-interest”.

“Urgent climate action is a choice we can – and must – make”, concluded the 
“As the people of Tuvalu know all too well: Saving them will save us all”.



‘Ground-breaking innovation’ needed in cities, where battle for sustainable development will be won or lost, says UN agency chief | UN News

UN Photo/Kibae Park

View of the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh. (file)

29 May 2019

Economic Development

If the battle to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to be won or lost in cities, then they need to “achieve a lasting impact on communities and to ensure that no one is left behind,” the head of the UN agency dealing with sustainable urban development said on Wednesday.

Opening the high-level session of the first UN-Habitat Assembly in Nairobi, Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlement Programme, UN-Habitat, explained that innovation – which she defined as “new knowledge and solutions to improve living conditions for all in cities and communities” – is the central theme of the Assembly because cities, which drive national economies by “creating prosperity, enhancing social development and providing employment,” can also be breeding grounds for poverty, exclusion and environmental degradation.

Therefore, she said, cities “will have to continue to drive innovation in ground-breaking ways,” for the benefit of all, as envisaged in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN’s blueprint for ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring peace and prosperity for all.


Prime Minister Josai Vorege Bainimarama (centre) of Fiji is greeted by UN-Habitat's Executive Director Maimunah Mohd Sharif (left) and Assembly President Martha Delgado on arrival for the Assembly Strategic Dialogue in Nairobi.

Innovative and smart solutions are part of the reasons that cities and regions grow prosperous, added Ms. Mohd Sharif, asking delegates to consider how to promote smart urban technologies that can handle the major systems a city requires ─ such as water, transport and clean energy ─ to improve the quality of life for all citizens; how countries should create an environment that encourages innovative solutions to poverty; and how best to make use of new knowledge to better serve communities.

UN-Habitat, said Ms. Mohd Sharif, plans to become a centre of excellence and innovation that “sets the global discourse and agenda on sustainable urban development,” which generates “innovative, specialized and cutting-edge knowledge.”

As an example of UN-Habitat’s willingness to engage with the latest innovations in order to engage with the latest threats faced by today’s diverse urban areas, such as climate change and growing inequality, the programme convened the first ever Round Table on Sustainable Floating Cities, at UN Headquarters in New York in April.

Praising the work of UN-Habitat, Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed said that cities can no longer be built the way New York or Nairobi were build: new cities must be “built for people, not cars. And we must build cities knowing that they will be on the frontlines of climate-related risks — from rising sea levels to storms. Floating cities can be part of our new arsenal of tools.”




среда, 29 мая 2019 г.

В Нидерландах стали использовать банкоматы для поиска детей

Пока это банкоматы в аэропортах и торговых центрах

Нидерланды стали первой страной в мире, которая включила банкоматы в национальную систему Amber Alert

Система Amber Alert (иногда пишется как AMBER, поскольку это аббревиатура America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response) предназначена для поиска пропавших детей. В разных странах для распространения сообщений Amber Alert задействуются радиостанции, телевидение, сервисы интернета и мобильной связи. Сообщения также выводятся на дорожные электронные табло и рекламные экраны. Начиная с прошлой недели, более 300 банкоматов в Нидерландах начали показывать фотографии пропавших детей на своих заставках.

Это банкоматы оператора In2Retail, установленные в аэропортах, крупных торговых центрах и вблизи популярных туристических достопримечательностей. Планируется дальнейшее расширение охвата, в том числе — включением банкоматов других операторов.

Помимо фотографий пропавших или похищенных детей, в банкоматах также будут отображаться призывы к гражданам регистрироваться в системе Amber Alert, чтобы получать оповещения на смартфоны.

Автор: Accent

| Источник: ZD Net

https://www.ixbt.com/news/2019/05/28/v-niderlandah-stali-ispolzovat-bankomaty-dlja-poiska-detej.html http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

Российские банки недосчитались нефтедолларов

Процесс пополнения запасов валюты в российской банковской системе, который активно шел в начале года, остановился.

По итогам апреля валютные резервы банков - в виде средств, размещенных на депозитах и корсчетах за рубежом - практически не изменились, сообщает в обзоре по сектору Райффайзенбанк.

На 1 мая их объем составил 12,3 млрд долларов - на столько собственная «валютная подушка» банков превышала обязательства перед клиентами.

За месяц на валютные счета клиентов физлиц и юрлиц пришло 0,8 млрд долларов. Еще 2,1 млрд долларов банки выручили за счет погашения ранее выданных кредитов.

Из общего притока валюты по кредитно-депозитным операциям (2,9 млрд долларов) чуть больше четверти (0,98 млрд долларов) ушло на погашение внешних займов. Почти столько же (0,9 млрд долларов) было вложено в валютные ценные бумаги.

Хотя в апреле ЦБ отчитался о рекордном с начала года притоке валюты по текущему счету (12,7 млрд долларов), до российских банков эти деньги не дошли. Из итоговой суммы 9,5 млрд долларов покинуло страну в виде вывоза капитала частным сектором.

Но у банков иностранные счета не выросли. Это означает, что «вывоз капитала был обусловлен не финансовым сектором, а корпорациями», делает вывод аналитик Райффайзенбанка Денис Порывай.

Они «либо не ввезли большой объем экспортной выручки, либо вывозили за рубеж прибыль, заработанную на территории России», констатирует он.

«Именно наличие такого вывоза капитала лишает рубль потенциала для укрепления при текущих ценах на нефть и создает риски для ослабления в случае их коррекции», - предупреждает эксперт.

Тем не менее, уже накопленных валютных резервов банкам хватит примерно на 6 месяцев, оценивает Порывай. Их текущий размер в 1,5 раза выше, чем на ту же дату (1 мая) прошлого года.

Запасы валюты были пополнены «в том числе за счет ускоренной конвертации банками валютных кредитов в рубли, при которой происходит переоформление валюты кредита на рубли без движения денежных средств», пишет Порывай: это снижает общую валютную позицию (ОВП) на балансе и позволяет банкам покупать валюту на споте.

«Проедать» валютные резервы банковской системе неизбежно придется летом, когда баланс валютных потоков сезонно ухудшается: доходы от экспорта углеводородов снижаются, а отток капитала увеличивается из-за конвертации в доллары дивидендов, которые получают зарубежные держатели российских акций.


DR Congo: Strengthened effort against Ebola is paying off, but insecurity still major constraint – UN health agency

World Bank/Vincent Tremeau

Health workers put their Personal Protective Equipment on before entering the zone 

where people suspected of having Ebola are held in quarantine to be monitored and 
treated at the Ebola Transition Centre (January 2019)

28 May 2019

Although the Ebola response in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) continues

 to make headway thanks to the determination of health workers on the ground, insecurity
 is still hampering the response, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday. 
This has led the UN to establish a new coordination structure in the hopes that access to 
at-risk areas can be improved.

“We are seeing a dramatic increase over the past few months in the number of security 

incidents in the area of North Kivu, which lies at the epicentre of this ebola 
outbreak,” said Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa, to journalists 
in Geneva as she recalled the brutal killing of a WHO colleague in mid-April.

She added that on Saturday, another attack took place during which another health worker

 was killed. 

Insecurity equals lack of access

So far, in 2019, there have been 174 attacks against health care facilities or workers. 

That’s a three-fold increase compared to the number of attacks that took place during 
the previous five-month period (August through December 2018).

“Insecurity really is what is making the response to this Ebola outbreak so challenging 

and also so unpredictable,” she insisted, adding. “And this insecurity leads to a lack of
 access and that is really what is driving the increase in cases. When the response 
can’t reach people, they don’t get the chance to be vaccinated or to receive life-saving
 treatments if they do fall ill.”

Currently, the DRC’s worst ever outbreak of the deadly virus has seen 1,920 Ebola

 cases overall, including 1,281 deaths. Despite the risks, the more than 700 workers
 deployed by WHO remain in the area working alongside other health teams providing 

“This Ebola response is one of the most complex health emergencies the world has

 faced,” said Dr. Moeti, explaining that “the authority of the Government is not strong, 
and what further complicates the situation is that there are many belligerents and armed 
groups and parties, and it’s not always clear under whose leadership they are operating”.
A new UN coordinating structure

To strengthen the coordination of the response and “create a much more enabling 

environment”, this week, the Deputy head of the DRC peacekeeping mission MONUSCO
David Gressly – newly appointed UN Emergency Ebola Response Coordinator – will be 
arriving in the city of Butembo, at the epicentre of the outbreak. Among several other key 
objectives, his role will be to help strengthen the DRC Government’s engagement around 
security, in a bid to reconcile various warring parties in the area.

In parallel, a scale-up of operations in the region from health and humanitarian organizations 

is also expected.

“I’m hopeful that this new structure will bring the much-needed stability, safety and

 clarity, and enable the response to proceed,” said Dr. Moeti.

Listen to our interview with David Gressly, the new Emergency Ebola Response


‘Encouraging signs’

To date, more than 500 people have survived thanks to adequate care. In particular, transmissions 

in medical centres (“nosocomial transmissions”), which represented 35 per cent of all transmissions 
just a few weeks ago, which are now down to 5 per cent.

“That number is still too high, we still want to reach for zero,” said Dr. Michael Ryan, 

chief of WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme.

Enhanced community engagement efforts continue to be put in place with 21 community 

Ebola committees in place so far, and vaccinations are also ongoing thanks to pop-up centres. 
Currently, 95 per cent of people offered vaccinations are accepting them and 90 per cent of
 families are agreeing to “safe and dignified burials”.

Dr. Ryan also explained that efforts in improving the surveillance and tracing of cases are 

also showing progress with 1,400 alerts per day on average, a number that was only half 
of that six weeks ago. The number of samples taken daily for laboratory analysis is also 
increasing steadily with the proportion of positive cases decreasing.

In another “encouraging sign”, Monday was “the first day in a very long time that we 

had zero positive cases among community deaths”, said Dr. Ryan, as he gave credit 
to the “brave frontline workers who risk their lives every day to do this work and to 
our communities who are very much engaged and participating in the response.”

Watch the full press briefing here:



Artificial intelligence summit focuses on fighting hunger, climate crisis and transition to ‘smart sustainable cities’

ITU Twitter

The third annual AI for Good Global Summit discusses the role of artificial intelligence (AI), including in advancing education, healthcare, social and economic equality and space research, Geneva, Switzerland.

28 May 2019


Artificial intelligence, or AI, is at the forefront of fighting hunger, mitigating the climate crisis and facilitating “the transition to smart sustainable cities", said the chief of the UN agency which specializes in information and communication technologies, Houlin Zhao, kicking off the third AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva.

“This summit is the leading United Nations platform for dialogue on artificial intelligence”, explained the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on Tuesday, adding that it “also raises complex questions about privacy and trust and poses other challenges, from job displacement and potential bias in algorithms, to autonomous weapons and social manipulation”.

More than 2,000 participants from over 120 countries joined AI leaders and humanitarian actors to highlight its potential for advancing education, healthcare and wellbeing, social and economic equality and space research.

Unable to attend in person, Secretary-General António Guterres sent a message lauding "the promise" of AI while also warning against its potential dangers.

"If we are to harness the benefits of artificial intelligence and address the risks, we must all work together – Governments, industry, academia and civil society – to develop the frameworks and systems that enable responsible innovation", he said. "These systems must be nimble and adaptable, capable of developing norms and self-regulation standards alongside legally binding laws and instruments when needed, as in the case of lethal autonomous weapons".

Noting that the UN is "well placed" as a forum on "how best to guide progress to better serve humanity," Mr. Guterres underscored that "we must seize the moment, in partnership, to deliver on the promise of technological advances and harness them for the common good".

In his opening address, Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) spelled out that climate change is accentuating the need for tailored information to improve resilience to extreme weather events.

“WMO deals with big data every day, running a 24/7 operational prediction system based on a huge amount of data gathered around the world,” he said, identifying AI as a potentially valuable tool to help meet this challenge.

Deliver on the promise of technological advances and harness them for the common good –UN chief Guterres

Guided by its inter-disciplinary audience, this year’s summit aims to generate 'AI for Good' projects and ensure that associated technologies will be developed safely, allowing equal access for all.

Francis Gurry, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) said that 340,000 AI patent applications have been filed since the 1950s: “Artificial intelligence is one of the most important of the technologies that are currently transforming our economy and society.”

He acknowledged there were pressing economic, social and ethical questions surrounding AI, saying that “we are at an extremely early stage, but the common characteristic is that the underlying technological activity…is occurring at a much more rapid speed than our capacity to formulate” responses.

Organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) - in partnership with the XPRIZE Foundation, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and 37 UN entities - the summit, which will run from 28-31 May, aims to identify practical applications of AI to accelerate the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The third annual AI for Good Global Summit officially kicked off on Tuesday with important discussions and examples of artificial intelligence (AI) in action, including robotics., by ITU Twitter

“We need to ignite a bigger conversation centered around how to use AI and data to help find scalable solutions to the biggest challenges facing humanity," XPRIZE CEO Anousheh Ansari said.

It will also debate unintended consequences of the AI revolution, and propose actions for high-potential solutions in achieving global scale, along with a so-called “learning day” to offer an audience with leading AI experts and educators.

“By bringing together AI technologists with leaders in government, industry, and humanitarian initiatives, new ways to apply AI to pressing world challenges are imagined and realized,” stressed Vicki L. Hanson, ACM CEO.

What is clear to ITU chief Zhao is that “no one nation, no one organization, no one company and no one community can meet these challenges alone”.

“The path to a transformative but also a safe, trusted and inclusive AI will require unprecedented collaboration between government, industry, academia and civil society", he concluded.


вторник, 28 мая 2019 г.

Google инвестирует 600 млн евро в центр обработки данных на берегу Финского залива

27 мая 2019 в 12:27

У Google уже есть один дата-центр в Финляндии

Компания Google сегодня заявила, что планирует инвестировать около 600 миллионов евро в новый центр обработки данных в финском городе Хамина.

У компании Google, принадлежащей холдингу Alphabet, уже есть дата-центр в этом городе на берегу Финского залива. Он расположен на месте бумажной фабрики, ранее принадлежавшей Stora Enso и купленной Google в 2009 году. Дата-центр обошелся интернет-гиганту в 800 миллионов евро.

По словам Google, предприятие является одним из самых передовых и эффективных центров обработки данных. В частности, чтобы уменьшить потребление энергии, его система охлаждения использует морскую воду из залива.

Другие европейские дата-центры Google расположены в Нидерландах, Ирландии и Бельгии.

Автор: Accent

| Теги: Google

| Источник: Reuters


Мун Чжэ Ин: РК существенно увеличит экспорт продукции, изготовленной на основе биотехнологий

2019-05-22 18:45:43

Photo : YONHAP News
В рамках поисков новых двигателей экономического роста РК существенно увеличит экспорт продукции, изготовленной на основе биотехнологий. К 2030 году он составит до 50 млрд долларов, и доля РК на соответствующем мировом рынке достигнет 6%.

Об этом заявил в среду президент РК Мун Чжэ Ин в ходе посещения города Осона провинции Чхунчхон-Пукто, который является центром исследований в области биотехнологий. В прошлом году экспорт лекарств и других товаров медицинского назначения составил 14 млрд 400 млн долларов – 1,8% мирового спроса. 

Правительство ожидает, что усилия по развитию биотехнологической промышленности позволят создать до 300 тысяч новых рабочих мест.   Мун Чжэ Ин напомнил, что его администрация намерена также сосредоточиться на развитии производства системных полупроводников и автомобилей будущего.
http://world.kbs.co.kr/service/news_view.htm?lang=r&Seq_Code=57639 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

AI for Good Global Summit - 28-31 May 2019, Geneva, Switzerland

Японские «киты» взвинтили курс биткоина до максимума за год

27.05.2019    22:56:17

Рынок криптовалют, восставший из мертвых весной, продолжает карабкаться наверх.

Ралли, стартовавшее в апреле и получившее продолжение в середине мая, вышло на новый, третий виток.

В понедельник курс биткоина подскочил еще на 8,7% и, по данным CoinMarketCap, достиг максимума с мая прошлого года - 8724,23 доллара за единицу.

Etherium прибавил 4,72% и переписал максимальные значения за 8 месяцев (272,77 доллара).

Общая капитализация рынка криптовалют достигла 272,3 млрд долларов, совершив скачок на 107% с начала года. Как и предыдущие две волны, последняя настигла рынок ночью по московскому времени, породив слухи о покупателях из Азии.

«Очередной всплеск цен на криптовалютном рынке в большей степени обусловлен техническими факторами. Рынок существенно перепродан, одновременно с этим значительно уменьшился объём заявок на продажу», - говорит аналитик Grand Capital Сергей Козловский.

По данным Whale Alert, массированный вывод биткоинов с рынка осуществляли «киты» - крупные держатели, контролирующие более 50% рынка.

За сутки с крупнейшей в Японии биржи biFlyer на анонимные кошельки было переведены биткионы на 101 млн долларов. Всего же «киты» за сутки провели операций на 236 млн долларов, в том числе внебиржевую сделку на 119 млн долларов.

По словам Козловского, ралли близко к финальной точке. «Более вероятным является продолжение диапазонного движения со снижением волатильности внутри ценового коридора, простыми словами - в процентном выражении движения будут более скромными, следовательно все меньше будут привлекать спекулянтов», - говорит эксперт.

«Что касается слухов относительно роста спроса на криптоактивы со стороны китайских инвесторов, на наш взгляд, эти слухи появляются именно в момент рассказчик рынка как дополнительный стимул к росту, наряду со слухами о росте спроса со стороны, например, наркокартелей», - отмечает Козловский.