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пятница, 17 мая 2024 г.

Bronson to step down as Bulletin president & CEO

Bronson to step down as Bulletin president & CEO

By John Pope | May 16, 2024

Bulletin editor-in-chief John Mecklin (left), Bulletin President and CEO Rachel Bronson (center), and CEO of Lightbridge Corporation Seth Grae (right) converse during the 2023 Doomsday Clock Leadership Luncheon. Photo by Jamie Christiani.Bulletin editor-in-chief John Mecklin (left), Bulletin President and CEO Rachel Bronson (center), and CEO of Lightbridge Corporation Seth Grae (right) converse during the 2023 Doomsday Clock Leadership Luncheon. Photo by Jamie Christiani.

Rachel Bronson, President & CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, announced that she will step down at the end of 2024. 

In messages to the Bulletin’s staff, boards, and supporters, Bronson shared her gratitude for their support in the Bulletin’s on-going work and transformation.   

“Since 1945 the Bulletin has been a trusted source for those who want to ensure that technology advances humanity, and does not undermine it,” she said.  “As a team, we have ensured that the Bulletin continues to provide a trusted space where academics, scientists, policymakers, and the engaged public can come together to figure out how to govern technologies of our own making.  As new technologies come online at a dizzying pace, a strong and healthy Bulletin is needed. In today’s deteriorating political environment, the Bulletin’s efforts are critical to democratic decision-making and humanity’s survival.”  

Bronson assumed her role in February 2015, following Kennette Benedict’s successful 10-year tenure. Under her leadership, the Bulletin has expanded considerably: its budget and staff have more than doubled and the organization has seen a seven-fold increase in audience, reaching 6.4 million unique visitors to its website in 2023.

“When I leave the Bulletin, it will be after nearly 10 years,” she said.  “I am gratified that my successor will be supported by a highly skilled and mission-driven staff, an incredibly supportive and generous board, a devoted science advisory board, loyal donors, and a growing global audience hungry for the Bulletin’s content. My successor will have the tools to take the Bulletin to even greater heights.” 

About her future, Bronson shared with the board that “I do not have set plans for what I will do next— intentionally. I am committed to supporting a leadership change that will set up the Bulletin for continued success. Until then, I intend to devote my full attention to advancing the Bulletin. Once that transition is complete, I wouldn’t mind having some down time after leading the organization through all the pressures that not-for-profit leaders have faced over the past few years. At the same time, I hope that by stepping away, I will find new opportunities that excite me in government, academia, or another not-for-profit organization.” 

The Bulletin has retained the executive search firm Koya Partners to help find its next CEO. An internal search committee composed of members of the Governing and Science and Security Boards is being led by Governing Board chair David Kuhlman, managing partner at Lotis Blue. 

“The Board accepts Rachel’s decision, and we are grateful that the next CEO will inherit a strong platform with considerable influence and visibility,” said Kuhlman. “Rachel has given us the opportunity to conduct a managed transition, and we expect our next CEO to lead with distinction, building on the strong track record Rachel has created.” 

The Bulletin is an independent, nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization whose website, iconic Doomsday Clock, premium digital magazine, and regular events help advance actionable ideas at a time when technology is outpacing our ability to control it. The Bulletin focuses on three main areas of coverage: nuclear risk, climate change, and disruptive technologies. What connects these topics is a driving belief that because humans created them, we can control them. 

Click here for more information about Koya Partners. To inquire further about the CEO role, including expressing interest or nominating potential candidates, email bulletinceo@koyapartners.com.     

